Coronavirus, could there be up to 100 times more infected than reported? [ESP]

Covid-19 outbreak it took us all by surprise. Most of the information was not clear enough. After the state of alarm in Spain, the government numbers at the regional level did not fit me with the reality I was living. So I decided to do some research on my own.

The total infected for my part was 100 times the official number of the government, which went from five thousand people to half a million.

Here the research:

Coronavirus: ¿podría haber hasta 100 veces más contagiados de los reportados?

Actualización: siguiente artículo disponible: "Coronavirus: algoritmos para dimensionar los recursos sanitarios. Estamos a tiempo." Nadie sabe el número de contagiados real. Nadie. Salen noticias de políticos y personalidades infectadas, casos cercanos tuyos lo están, incluso tú puedes estar contagiado y no tener síntomas aún.

Written on March 17, 2020 - Covid-19, Forecasting - Post

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